On December 7, 2023, the Tommy McNulty Health Suite was dedicated at the William S. Baer School. This project was completed with substantial support from both The Civitan Club of Baltimore and The Foundation for Children with Intellectual and Development Disabilities (FCIDD).

For over 75 years the William S. Baer School has served Baltimore City Public Schools as a leader in inclusive, therapeutic education for students with multiple disabilities. With a knowledge and experience, The Baer School provides a unique mix of accessible education, occupational therapies, and recreational opportunities for our students.
For several reasons, this project is closely intertwined with the Civitan Club of Baltimore and FCIDD. Dr. William S. Baer, a well-recognized physician from The Johns Hopkins Hospital and for whom the school is named after, was a founding member of the Baltimore Civitan Club in 1921.

Tommy McNulty, for whom the health suite is named after, was a notable member of the Baltimore Club and a highly celebrated Civitan member. His parents, Tom and Mary McNulty, both members of the Baltimore Civitan Club, were responsible for the formation of FCIDD, which provided significant support for this project.

Rev. J. Joe Hart, chaplain for FCIDD and a member of the Baltimore Civitan Club (pictured with Zulema Moore, school principal), is Tommy’s cousin and Tom and Mary’s nephew. Rev. Hart is a long-standing member of the Baer Partnership Board, a volunteer organization that assists the school in fulfilling its mission.

Rev. J. Joe Hart and Sly Bieler, both from the Baltimore Civitan Club, stand in front of a picture of Tommy, which was showcased at this dedication ceremony.

The Health Suite renovation will support children with multiple disabilities and complex medical needs to receive highly personalized medical and nursing care. It also has an area to allow to be screened and quarantined if needed.
The students, parents, staff, and Partnership Board of the Baer School are grateful to both FCIDD and the Civitan Club of Baltimore for their substantial grants. These funds will enhance the lives of the students for years to come.